Coronavirus : le projet politique global imposé à l’occasion du Covid-19


Les réactions ineptes de gouvernements européens au Covid-19 ont été dictées par d’anciens conseillers de Donald Rumsfeld et de George W. Bush. Contrairement à la rhétorique publique, elles n’ont aucune prétention médicale. Loin de répondre à la réalité de l’épidémie, elles visent à transformer les sociétés européennes afin de les intégrer à leur projet politico-financier.



Donald Rumsfeld - George W. Bush

Donald Rumsfeld & George W. Bush



Indépendamment de savoir si l’épidémie de Covid-19 est naturelle ou a été provoquée, elle offre l’occasion à un groupe transnational d’imposer soudainement son projet politique sans qu’il soit discuté, ni même exposé.


En quelques semaines, nous avons vu des États prétendument démocratiques suspendre les libertés fondamentales : interdire sous peine d’amende ou de prison de sortir de chez soi, de participer à des meetings et de manifester. L’école obligatoire pour les moins de 16 ans a été provisoirement abolie. Des millions de travailleurs ont été privés d’emploi et placés d’office au chômage. Des centaines de milliers d’entreprises ont été autoritairement contraintes de fermer et ne pourront plus rouvrir.


Sans préparation, les gouvernements ont encouragé les entreprises au télétravail. Toutes les communications via internet ont immédiatement été enregistrées par le système Echelon. Ce qui signifie que les « Cinq Yeux » (Australie/Canada/Nouvelle-Zélande/Royaume-Uni/USA) disposent en archive des moyens de percer les secrets de presque tous les industriels européens. Pour cela, c’est déjà trop tard.


Aucune des transformations des sociétés n’ont de justification médicale. Aucun ouvrage d’épidémiologie au monde n’a discuté et encore moins préconisé de « confinement généralisé obligatoire » pour lutter contre une épidémie.


Les dirigeants politiques des États membres de l’Union européenne ont été tétanisés par des projections mathématiques délirantes leur annonçant une hécatombe chez eux [1]. Puis, ils ont été réconfortés par les solutions toutes faites d’un puissant groupe de pression dont ils avaient rencontré les membres au Forum économique de Davos et aux Conférences sur la Sécurité de Munich [2].


Le « confinement généralisé obligatoire » a été conçu quinze ans plus tôt, au sein de l’administration Bush, non pas comme outil de santé publique, mais pour militariser la société états-unienne à l’occasion d’une attaque bioterroriste. Et c’est bien ce projet qu’il applique aujourd’hui en Europe.


Le plan initial, conçu il y a plus de vingt ans autour du patron du laboratoire pharmaceutique Gilead Science, Donald Rumsfeld, prévoyait d’adapter les États-Unis à la financiarisation globale de l’économie. Il s’agissait de réorganiser la planète en divisant géographiquement les tâches de chacun. Les zones non-encore intégrées à l’économie globale devraient être privées d’État et devenir de simples réservoirs de matières premières ; les zones développées (dont l’Union européenne, la Russie et la Chine) seraient responsables de la production ; et les États-Unis seuls assureraient l’industrie d’armement et de la police du monde.


Pour ce faire, un groupe fut créé au sein d’un think-tank, l’American Enterprise Institute, le « Projet pour un nouveau siècle américain ». Celui-ci annonça assez crûment une partie de son programme, mais une partie seulement ; celle destinée à convaincre de grands donateurs de soutenir la campagne électorale de Gorge W. Bush. Le 11-Septembre à 10 heures du matin, deux avions de ligne ayant percuté le World Trade Center à New York, le programme de « continuité du gouvernement » (CoG) fut déclaré bien que la situation ne soit pas du tout celle prévue par les textes. Le président Bush fut conduit dans une base militaire. Les membres du Congrès et leurs équipes furent emmenés dans un immense bunker à 40 kilomètres de Washington. Et le très secret Gouvernement de continuité, dont Rumsfeld faisait partie, assuma le Pouvoir jusqu’en fin de journée.


Profitant du choc émotionnel de cette journée, ce groupe fit adopter un volumineux Code antiterroriste rédigé longtemps à l’avance, l’USA Patriot Act ; créa un vaste système de surveillance intérieure, le département de la Sécurité de la Patrie (Homeland Security) ; réorienta la mission des forces armées en fonction de la division globale du travail (Doctrine Cebrowski) ; et commença la « Guerre sans fin ». C’est dans le monde qu’ils ont façonné que nous évoluons depuis deux décennies comme dans un cauchemar.


Si nous n’y prenons pas garde, le groupe actuel, dont le docteur Richard Hatchett est l’élément visible, transposera ce programme des États-Unis vers l’Union européenne. Il imposera dans la durée une application téléphonique mobile de tracking afin de surveiller nos contacts ; ruinera certaines économies pour en transférer la force de production vers des industries d’armement ; et enfin nous convaincra que la Chine est responsable de l’épidémie et doit être endiguée (Containment).


Si nous n’y prenons pas garde, l’Otan que nous avons crue en état de mort cérébrale se réorganisera. Elle s’étendra dans le Pacifique avec, pour commencer, l’adhésion de l’Australie [3].


Si nous n’y prenons pas garde, l’école sera remplacée par un enseignement de savoirs à domicile. Nos enfants deviendront des perroquets dénués d’esprit critique, sachant tout, mais ne connaissant rien.


Dans le monde nouveau que l’on prépare aux Européens de l’UE, les grands médias ne seront plus financés par l’industrie pétrolière, mais par Big Pharma. Ils nous convaincront que toutes les mesures prises ont été les bonnes. Les moteurs de recherche noteront la crédibilité des médias non-conformes au regard des titres des signataires de leurs articles et non pas de la qualité de leurs raisonnements.


Il est encore temps de réagir.


Thierry Meyssan



Source :


Article :

Thierry Meyssan, Consultant politique, président-fondateur du Réseau Voltaire / Voltairenet

Article sous licence creative commons (licence CC BY-NC-ND).


Référence :

[1] « Covid-19 : Neil Ferguson, le Lyssenko libéral », Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 18 avril 2020.

[2] « Le Covid-19 et l’Aube rouge », Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 28 avril 2020.

[3] « L’Otan souhaite devenir l’Alliance atlantico-pacifique », par Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 10 décembre 2019.


Photo :

Pour illustration

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    Want to Contact the Editor? First read this
    Population « Control, »
    New World Order Style

    GermanySpainNetherlandsFranceFussiaFedFlag23h35wUkraine flagEstonia FlagCzechRepublicFlag23h35w Slovakia flag 23hPoland FlagSerbia flag 23hSerbia flag 23hCroatia Flag 23hIndia Flag 23hGreece FlagPortugal FlagItaly FlagFinland FlagSweden FlagRomania FlagNorway FlagTurkey FlagHungary FlagBulgaria FlagThailand flab23h35wVietnam flag 23h32wPeople's Republic of China flag 23h
    [Editor's Note: I awakened to the New World Order takeover of planet earth in 1995 after reading Bill Cooper's book, Behold a Pale Horse. Prior to that, I was naively assuming - as most people did at the time (and in earlier decades) - that the information being presented to us by mainstream media and the government were an accurate reflection of surprising, unfolding "news" events and that the government and media were trying to inform us in order to help us understand these events and to alert the public to any dangers or concerns that these "news" events might impose on our lives. In other words, I thought the media and government were working on our behalf; for our welfare and for our protection (I also thought that the "news" was genuine, rather than the staged, pre-planned, orchestrated hoaxes that most big-headlines "news" events actually are). This, of course, is the impression that the government, intelligence services, Pentagon, and Jewish-dominated media outlets wish us to believe. We now know, however, that the American public, like most citizens of other nations, are merely Pawns in the Game on a globe-size chessboard where demented, human/alien hybrid Globalist Elites are forever jockeying for advantage and power among themselves, while surreptitiously guiding the vast bulk of "goyim" humanity towards destruction and enslavement. Once awakened to this reality, we can better resist this takeover and attempted destruction of the moral ethos which has guided Western Christian Civilization for two thousand years, by not cooperating with those executive dictum, "statutes," work-place coercion, or "compulsory requirements" being forced upon us; and to maintain an inviolate, personal moral code that will resist all attempts at corruption, destructive conduct, and acquiescence to any expression of Constitutional abridgement. ...Ken Adachi]
    By Ken Adachi, Editor
    (First Posted 1997)
    Population "Control," New World Order Style 
    Facebook Censorship
    To post this article on Facebook, link to the TinyUrl seen below. Facebook will remove any article identified as coming from
    The Illuminati's idea of Population Control falls into two broad categories:
    1. Limiting the size of human societies and monitoring/controlling the movement of individuals within that society, and
    2. Intentionally reducing the bulk of the world's population through GENOCIDE via the introduction of orchestrated conflicts, intentionally inserted toxic substances into the air (chemtrails), environment (depleted uranium), water/food supply (GMOs), and bioengineered, weaponized disease organisms (AIDS, Ebola, Bird & Swine Flu, etc.) along with anti-fertility compounds introduced via vaccines and other means of external transmission.
    The Illuminati's current plan to reduce the world's population was set into motion at a 1957 symposium on future world development.  The astonishing 'conclusion' of this seemingly benign symposium was that over-population and excessive exploitation of the environment would result in the self- destruction of the earth by the year 2,000 or shortly thereafter (Note:Illuminti front organizations for New World Order propaganda, like Cornell University, continue to "illuminate" us, to this very day, with this over-population point of view).
    President Eisenhower secretly commissioned a group of  scholars, known as The JASON Society  to review the conclusions of the '57 symposium. The members of the JASON Society are in fact part of a secretive Illuminati group known as the Order of the Quest. The same individuals who formed the JASON Society were also key members on the Council on Foreign Relations known as the Wise Men. (1)
    Not surprisingly, the Jason Society agreed with the symposium's conclusions and drafted three proposals for  Eisenhower's consideration. The three proposals were labeled Alternative 1, Alternative 2, and Alternative 3. Eisenhower rejected Atlernative 1 because it involved the use of nuclear weapons. However, Eisenhower did approve the implementation of  Alternative 2 and Alternative 3  (as did the Soviet Union). (1)
    Alternative 2
    In order to preserve the 'best' of humanity when the supposed 'self-destruction' of the earth takes place around the year 2,000, the JASON Society proposed that a vast network of underground cities be built in order to secure living quarters for the chosen Illuminati elite, high level cooperative politicians, and selected military elements. Underground cities are also co-habitated by extraterrestrial alien groups that the secret government has made treaties with for technology exchange and human-alien hybrid breeding programs. The idea of the earth 'self destructing' around the turn of the century due to overpopulation was perhaps an early cover story for the justification of the underground cities. In the 1950's and 60's, the American public was led to believe that the contiuance of government, in the event of worldwide nuclear war, was a logical reason for undeground facilities, but we now know that the entire Soviet/American cold war and MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) scenario was an orchestrated Illuminati deception to bleed both Russian and American citizens of their wealth in order to finance black budget operations, secret technology developments, underground city construction, genetic engineering projects, time & space travel research, and anti-gravity, flying saucer spacecraft development.
    Based on 1989 information, it was claimed that there were at least 75 underground cities in existence below the soil of America interconnected by high speed, frictionless trains called Maglev trains (Magnetic Levitation). The former Atomic Energy Commission had also constructed  22 seperate underground cities for their own use.(1) [Update: In 1995, Phil Schneider said that there were 129 underground cities and in May of 2001, Stewart Swerdlow, former mind controlled "Montauk Boy" , claimed that there now exists 133 underground cities in North America. Al Bielek also claims that there are many hundreds of underground cities and bases built worldwide]
    Alternative 3
    Due to the access to certain alien technologies-including interplanetary space flights-which became available to the American government as a result of the Greada treaty signed by President Eisenhower and  aliens in 1954,  the JASON Society proposed that operational bases should be set up on the Moon and Mars -which would alsoprovide a safe sanctuary for the highest of the elites when the 'self-destruction' of the earth was going to take place a little after the turn of the new century. Bases on the Moon and Mars have indeed been built and have been in operation since the late1950's.(1)
    All three Alternatives included recommendations for population "control". They included:
    1. Birth control (birth prevention and abortion - 43.8 Million babies aborted yearly worldwide.)
    2. Sterilization (today includes vaccines) and
    3. The introduction of deadly microbes to reduce or otherwise slow the growth of the earth's population.
    Bioengineered Diseases
    AIDS, Ebola, Gulf War Illness (GWI), and many other "new" diseases were intentionally bioengineered in laboratories that are mostly found in the United States and include the Army's secretive facilities at Ft. Detrick Maryland (2.). Drs. Nancy and Garth Nicholson have done a great deal of  research and investigation into the cause and treatment of Gulf War Illness, since they and their daughter (who was a helicopter flight nurse in the 1991 Gulf War) ALL came down with GWI.  In 1996, the Nichols published a paper which states their deep suspicions that GWI is due to bioengineered pathogens and that a hidden population control agenda appears to be in place.
    Some bioengineered pathogens were designed to target certain ethnic groups for elimination. These groups likely include blacks, hispanics, Black Africans, Native Americans, and homosexuals. The preferred Iluminati method to introduce disease is via vaccinations. Tthe HIV virus which causes AIDS was introduced and spread throughout the majority of black populations in Africa via the World Health Organization (WHO) during their mandatory smallpox vaccine campaigns of 1976-1980.
    The pathogens which produced Gulf War Illness were introduced to a limited number of Gulf War troops via "special" vaccinations (not recorded on the troop's official vaccination records) for Anthrax and other supposed dangers posed by Saddam Hussein. It was a CIA test run to see how many Gulf troops would succumb to the disease and how quickly they might die off. The results have been somewhat disappointing for the CIA/Illuminati planners. They thought their new little bugs would wipe out a lot more people, a lot faster than it has.
    Eventually, the US military has to be eliminated because they are seen as a threat by Illuminati planners when they kick in their plans to dissolve the United States and incorporate the former United States into the new, 10 Region States of America which will include Canada and Mexico [Update: more recently identified as the North American Union].
    Retired Army flight nurse Joyce Riley  presented damning Department of Defense classified "Secret"documentation to an audience at the Granada Forum in Tarzana, CA on July 1, 1999 which supported the contention that the military intentionally innoculated Gulf War troops with the pathogens that eventually caused Gulf War Illness as part of an insideous program directed by the CIA.
    Domestically, the strategy is to make the public believe that bio attacks by foreign terrorists (like Osama bin Laden-who seems to be the government's latest incarnation of Hitler; he having replaced former title holders like Kadaffi, Hussein, and Milosevic for the honor)  is inevitable and when it happens the government will say that they have tried to warn us all along. A similar tactic is being used by the government to acclimate the public to the notion that these new bioweaponized bugs are showing up everywhere: birds in New York; wild deer and antelope in national parks; etc. And that they are being spread by international travel (same set of lies they used when AIDS started showing up in 1983-85) in an attempt to account for its sudden appearance.
     Starting in December of 1997, this administration of Illuminati puppets have been seeding stories into print and electronic outlets about the "growing fear" of  Anthrax attack and the need to "protect" the troops.  When it comes to the public, however, former CIA director John Deutch told CNN in July of 1999 that the  government wasn't prepared for that task, so further "preparations" need to be taken. I guess we're suppose to believe that the military's staging of  mock battles in US cities is also part of the government's "protection" plans for us against those nasty foreign terrorists.
    [Update Sep 23, 2001]
    9-11 Attack of America
    The staged and planned attacks of the World Trade Center and Pentagon buildings were deliberate acts orchestrated by Illuminati planners using naive Arab dupes (the "terrorists") to pull off a suicide mission in which they were allowed, guided, and facilitated by hidden intelligence agents and operatives. They are using this orchestrated ruse to stampede the public into accepting Big Brother control and ID programs, along with the sweeping away of constitutional guarantees and liberties under the guise of anti-terrorists legislation. The dessimination of biowarfare agents in America to reduce population needed a convenient cover and the "terrorists" scenario provided it. I'm simply astonished at the gullibility of so many Americans in accepting this poorly covered up orchestration. The growing number of web sites and well written aritlces that are exposing the details of this deception-from the planted bombs in the WTC towers to the stand down of military air defence forces while the hyjacked planes were enroute-makes it abundantly clear that the attacks of Sept 11, 2001 were a ruse, a charade, a set up that even a child should recognize.
    Ken Adachi 
    ...To Be Continued 
    1.  Behold a Pale Horse (1991) by William Cooper

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